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Im Happy Being Me.

A Lifetime for..

Bungee Jump
World's biggest ferrywheel
World Most expensive hotel
Gold Coast with darling

Monday, November 24, 2008

Obar was fun on a saturday with them! (: thanks guys.
Met up with them and then off to Obar~ hee. Reached there damn early when everybody is not inside. HAHAHA. We accompanied cherryn to supper then back to Obar. Woo~ people started dancing already and we lost our table SO we started dancing as well. AND guess who i saw. hahahas. i saw QINYONG! It has been so long can! (: Shall see you again probably this friday! (:
After Obar which is 330am? i went to find mervyn for some talking session. I simply miss him too much la! hahahas. We chit chat till 7! phew~

Alright I felt so empty today. cause cherryn and guys are not in school anymore! =( And it's so not used to it. BUT i'll adapt fast (: Alright, i gotta rush my presentation slides already. I've got presentation early in the morning AND I'M THE FREAKING FIRST PRESENTER . BYE PEOPLE